Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Romantic and Victorian Poetry

Before the Romantic period there where to other known periods the first one that I learned was the Industrial Revolution. This took place in the 18th and 19th century. In this time period they work in factories that had large machines that did the major work for them. Also the gas was invented and put into machines a different way which made engines last longer. They made all types out machinery things such as all kinds of big machines to do labor work.

The next known period I read about was the French Revolution. This took place in the 17th and 18th century. This was the time period when people in France wanted to get away from having no rights to a country that gives their rights to people. They didn’t have many jobs to choose from and there were executions and repression. This time period had wars going on.

After reading about those two time periods I think that normal people either was scared and live under the rules and tried their best to live. Others either went out there ready to die and didn’t care what happened and tried to fight their way out of the whole situation and ended of dying. Personally I would have been scared to live in that time period because I would have been afraid of someone murdering me. And by my attitude yes it would have been bound to happen.

I think that the Romantic poets were trying to get out the point that they don’t ever find the true ending to something they just go with one thought and stick with it. They also try to persuade readers to argue their thoughts of judgement with other people who have a different thought. Another thing they try to express is the well being of nature. Most of their poems take place in the woods which expresses that they have a thing for outside plants such as trees.

William Blake- The Tyger
In this poem he talks about an animal in the forest at night and with hands and eyes that had the look of fear. I his eyes were evil that no one would dare bother. His hands and arms made so broad could make some ones heart twist. Then the rain came down and the tyger was happy for god was crying down on him and he was smiling. This gave a good example of what I was talking about with the forest and the belief of what you want to believe.

William Wordsworth- Composed upon Westminster Bridge in this poem he talks about talks about his belief that earth does not show anything fair. I guess he was talking about God when he said dull was he soul meaning the soul was not happy. He talk about the mornings and how the ships were beautiful and the morning was silent and how the theaters and the temples lay out in the fields which is the grass. This was also a match of what I said because he talked about the field which they loved the forest. Also he was stuck on a thought that he believe the earth didn’t show any fair.

John Keats- To sleep
In this poem he says that sleep is soft of the night. Your fingers are soft with no hard touch. Your eyes close away from the light. When sleeping you forget a lot of things. When sleep at night the things around your bed protect you. On his pillow is where many people lay. After reading this I notice he was talking about death and how people are place in silence and then the casket is sealed closed for burial.

The Victorian Period
In the Victorian period one of the two main events that happened during this time period was Japan opens trade to west, 1854. In this time America had four ships going into the harbor at Tokyo bay. Trying to re-establish from over 200 years. The reason they wanted to do this is because, for opening Chinese ports to regular trades and annexation of California. Also because they wanted to create an American port.

Another event that happened in this time period was the U.S Civil war begin in 1861. This was a war between the United States and the south slave states. The reason they where fighting is because the slave states declaring secessions from the union before Lincoln became president. And the union rejected it.

I think in this time period it was even more violent because they had new inventions. They used these inventions to make more and then got worse. This was a sense of people taking things to a farther extent. But they did live a better life than the previous time periods because they had newer technology for even greater reasons.

The difference between the two Romantic and Victorian time period poets were the Romantic period poets were more about believing in one thing and sticking to it and caring about the earth. Also the were really into the romance poems. The Victorian poets were similar to the romantic poets they just explained more about their time period. There really wasn’t a big difference.

The Victorian writers wanted to express what did stuff really mean. Like were certain things that were said in the romantic poems were they caused for saying. Was it meant to scare people during their reading? The really wanted to know what the reason was for a lot of stuff.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson- The Eagle; A Fragment
In this poem he gave you a brief description of an eagle. He grabs something with his crooked hands meaning his claws. Close to the sun which is something near the sky. Evidently he’s looking for something to eat in the water because the poem says he watches from his mountain walls and like a thunderbolt he falls. I guess he dives his head in the water or he either fly away.

Flower in the Crannied wall
In this poem it clearly states flowers in a crannied wall. This is a flower in a brick wall from the picture. I pluck you out of the crannies, which clearly says I take you out of the wall and hold you with your roots and all. The poet is trying to figure out what type of flower this is and just like he tries to figure out who people and God really are.

Matthew Arnold- Calm Soul of All Things
He clearly states that the calm soul should be his soul. To not feel anything wrong. Then it will bring a piece to his mind. This is what man can’t make of another man. He does not want to cry. He wants the power to feel what others give. He wants to be very calm and not in a calm way of him being dead. Before he has been able to live a happy life don’t take his life. This poem clearly states these poets expressions, because he wants to know why he can’t be calm.


In the Glorious Revolution (The Bloodless Revolution) King James II over took his brothers job who was a Roman Catholic. The people did not want him to be the ruler, but the people didn’t know that he was going to hand his ruler ship over to the pope. Soon he had a son who could be ruler after him and they went off to France which ended the Glorious Revolution. After his Death his daughter took over the throne then she didn’t have kids so her sister took over after and then the list went on. If they didn’t have any kids the closets family members take over.
The reason I think this event was so important is because it was a time period when the Catholic people were big. It also was a time period when the rulers tried to abandon their country.

"Satire" The meaning to this word from my best of knowledge would have to be a form of literature that an imperfection or lack of understanding of sense. The word also stresses out the weakness than the weakness of the person. Also indicates indirectly dead judge ment. Examples of satire is Darkhorse Comic Art, Paris Hilton, Triumph Insult Comic Dog, and Political Satire.

In The Modern Proposal it was made to seem more like a satire by doing evil things. Such as he was saying that people should eat their children so there won’t be many people. Which he was trying to say with lesser people there won’t be much to pay for, but if you have children you then it would be more you have to pay for. Also he says something about women having abortions and murdering their bastard children. Which to my best understanding was satire be it’s such an evil thing to do.

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

The reason I chose to read Diary of Samuel Pepys is because I love reading diaries. Through out all the entries I only like two and understood them well. The first entry I got a good understanding out of was October13, 1660 "A Public Execution, A Private Explosion. In this Samuel was explaining how he was just taking a walk to meet Captian Cuttance but instead ran in to the General hanging with his flesh cut open for the people to see. He was very shocked by this. People were shouting to this scene. He said that the general once said that he was going to see christ shortly. Then he went home and took his anger out on his wife just because she had her items laying out on the floor and he kicked a basket that he had purchased for her and broke it.

The next diary entry I understood was the July 11, 1664 "A Bad Night" this was the night Samuel could not sleep. It was about eleven o-clock when this started he was sweating and could not sleep. He heard noises throughout the house and had a thought of someone breaking in the house. With the noise making he got into deeper thoughts of someone breaking in and stealing money from him because he was wealthy. He then was calling people and didn’t get an answer. ‘I RUNG." Then his wife soon awoke and realized it was the dog who wanted to get in bed with then. But he couldn’t and started making noises.

To me after reading so many stories from this time period made me think that these people were mostly about money. The reason I say this is be cause in the Modest Proposal he explain that people should eat their children so they would be more richer and there will be less poor people. Also they didn’t want people having more children because children cost. In the diary I read these people were always thinking people are out to get them for their money. So in this time period they were mainly about money. And from reading in a bible and knowing that money is a sign of evil then the whole time period was a satire period.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Edmund Spenser sonnet

One day I wrote her name upon the strand, A
But came the waves and washed it away; B
Again I wrote it with a second hand, A
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. B

Vain man," said she, "that doest in vain assay, B
A mortal thing so to this decay, C
For I myself shall like to this decay, B
And eke my name be wiped out likewise." C

Not so," quod I, "let baser things devise C
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: D
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, C
And in the heavens write your glorious name. D

Where whenas death shall all the world subdue, E
Our love shall live, and later life renew." E

This is a sonnet that I chose for Edmund Spenser who is another poetic from Renaissance. Spenser groups his poems out in four different rhyme schemes, and his rhyme scheme is broken down in sections a little similar to Shakespeare rhyme scheme. But it broken down like this ABAB BCBC CDCD EE. The first part of this sonnet would be ABAB. The first line A says to my best understanding one day he wrote a females name in the sand at the beach and it continues with the first line B which says but the waves from the ocean washed the name in the sand away. The last two line in section one of ABAB would be the second line A which by my reading it understood it as he wrote the name in the sand again after it had been washed away once, second line B continues and the waves came and washed the name away again and he cried. Section two of this sonnet would be BCBC. When I read over this section I understood this part to be saying, that the woman is saying to the man that he’s being silly writing her name in the sand thinking that she gone live for ever, but when she dies her names gonna fade way with her. The third section of the sonnet would have to be the CDCD section and I best understood it to be saying, not so said let the lower things die in the dust because will not forever be but she will be eternal to him through her poem which will live forever. The fourth section of this sonnet is the last par which is EE. This says when we die our love will still be.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

William Skakespeare Sonnets

When, inn disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes, A
I all alone beweep my outcast state, B
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, A
And look upon myself and curse my fate, B

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, C
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed D
Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope, C
With what I most enjoy contented least, D

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, E
Haply I think on thee, and then my state, F
Like to the lark at break of day arising, E
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; F

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings G
That then I scorn to change my state with kings. G

This is the sonnet of William Shakespeare. He broke his poems down in sections with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The first section would be ABAB. To my understanding in the first line A he says with him being less fortunate that people look at him differently. In the first line B he says that when he’s alone he cries to himself for not being so fortunate as others. In the second line A he was saying that his cries are useless. The last line in the first section would be line B which says he talks down on his self for being unfortunate.
The second section of this sonnet would be CDCD. The first line of this section would have to be C which says to my best understanding he wishes to be rich like another man. The second line would be the first D and it says rich with friend who are rich like him. The second line C says amazed by his literary ability and power. The last line of this section which is the second D which says something that he does not enjoy most. The third section of this sonnet would be the EFEF part. This section really says that when he thinks about not being fortunate he almost hates his self, but when he thinks about the person he’s writing this poem to he feels happy that he’s who he is now. Last would have to be section GG. Which says thinking of the sweet memories of being very wealthy he’s happy being less fortunate and if he was he probably would have thought about this whole thing.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


In this act Macduff and others started gathhering up and army to kill Macbeth. The main members were Macduff, Malcolm, Ross, Siward, Youn Siward, Menteith, and Seyton. These were angry soilders that couldn't wait to kill Macbeth. As they were marching up towards the castle they were told to get large branches off of trees and light them up. Macbeth soon started seeing the trees move up closer to the castle and he remembered what the witchs said so he stared gettin all bothered up over it and then he started repeating no one born from a woman womb can kill him so that ment no one could kill him. At least that's what he thought.

Entering the castle Young Siward and Macbeth wen at it and Young Siward was killed then Macbeth and Macduff started fighting. While they were fighting Macbeth told Macduff that the witches told him that no one born from a woman womb can kil him and then Macduff said he wasn't born from the womb he was cut out of the stomach. Thats when he sliced Macbeths head off of his shoulder. After the whole conflik Malcolm was crown king and gave a long speach. This is what ended the story.

I really like this story and would like to red more storys like it. This story caught alot of my attention which made me think about reading more storys that have to do with the past centurys. I even learned how their plays were different from the plays today.


In act four it is now noticable to the people that Macbeth killed the king and they want him dead. Macbeth has a fear that the people know about him killing the king and is afraid that they might ty to kill him, so he goes to the witches for answers. The witches told Macbeth that no one born from a woman will be able to kill him and that he won't die until the woods have grew up to the castle. This made Macbeth think that noboy can kill him.

So he went back to the castle and was not scared because of what he had just been told. Also in act four lady Macbeth was sleep walking and the gentlewoman and the doctor were around and the gentle woman describing and repeating everything lady Macbeth say and do. Lady Macbeth let the word out that her husband killed the king and that she master minded him and was sleep while she did it. She describe all the things she said to him after he had done the killing. Like to put on their gowns and act like they were asleep.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


In act three of Macbeth he is crowned the king. For him now being the king he's throwing a party and everyone is to attend the big feast. There's just one problem at the beginning of act three Banquo and Macbeth get into an arguement because of disagreements because somewhere in Banquo's mind he's kind of wondering about the kings death strongly and he really thinks Macbeth has something to do with it.

Macbeth doesnt like Banquo attitude towards him and hires three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. The murders then set out to kill. They met up with Banquo and his son in the woods And started conversating with Banquo and his son. They then killed Banquo and as the were killing him he yelled for his son to run, and the murderers did not get to kill Fleance. When they returned back to the castle the party had already began. Banquo was dead and didn't show up and another person that didn't show up was Macduff. When Macbeth was about to have a seat in his chair he seen the ghost of Banquo and he started acting crazy and ran all of the guest away with his foolish ness.


In act two of Maceth the king was murdered. The king was killed by Macbeth who was materminded by his wife lady Macbeth to kill the king. The reason she did this was for her husband to become king faster. as the death of the king Macbeth was shooken up and didn't know what to do after killing the king, his wife who had total controll of his mind made him evil enough to not care after a while.

When vissiters came to the castle after the murder she tried to make it seem as if someone came into the castle and killed the king and that she didn't know anything about the kings death. Macbeth also murdered the kings son. Macbeth played the killing off as good as his wife did, but they knew that people were going to start getting supicious about the killing. Such as the people staying in the house could be the killers.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


In act one the character's are introduced. But the main character's were Macbeth, Banquo, and the witches. You also was introduced the theme and the setting of the story which was Scotland; England. The wiches were strongly used to tell peoples future. So in act one it set the theme by the witches telling Macbeth he wa going to be king one day and thane of cawdor. They also said that Banquo's children should be king as well one day. When they was told these things they didn't have no belief in what the witches had sad until something else had came true which the witches had said. Which was Macbeth becoming cawdor of the thane.

After they were told this Macbeth went and bragged about it to his wife about what the witches told him. Lady Macbeth then was anxious for her husband to become king right then and she started talking him into killing the king so that Macbeth could become king faster.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Middles Ages

The Crusades
The crusades are well known as a big event that happened in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries. The reason for this was because there were two different religions fighting over land. The two religions were known as Christian Europe and the followers of Muhammad. Jerusalem and the Holy Land (I don’t know what it is) was the land that they were fighting over. One of the kings in that time period that took a big part in this event was King Richard.

The Martyrdom of Thomas a Becket
Thomas a Becket (the holly blissful martyr) was known as the archbishop. Which was known s another leader besides the king. He was more like the Christian leader of England, who would ask the priest for information on how to do things the right way. Christianity wasn't very big at the time he was living. Until one day the king didn’t like the fact that there was another leader that did things his own way and he set out for the archbishop to be killed. After his death Christianity became popular.

The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was an agreement document that was signed in 1215. This document was an agreement that gave the people in England such rights as trial by jury and legislative taxation were established. This document had to be signed by the king, which was King John at this time period. The document was signed in Runnymede. The king at first refused to sign this document, but was forced by the English barons to sign it.

The Black Death
A highly contagious disease which hit England in 1348-1349. This disease was known to have killed a third of England. This disease was spread from infected rats to fleas that were throughout the country. By all these deaths in the nation it caused the labor to be shorter. This also gave the lower class people a privilege to have the upper hand.

The Caterbury Tales
The Knight was very engaged with all of his nation. " Who, from the moment that he first began to ride about the world, loved chivalry, truth, honour, freedom and all courtesy.
The Squire was the nights young loving son which accepted anything and had money. "A lover and a lively bachelor."
The Yeoman was cropped headed and had a sun brown face tone. " A cropped head has he and a sun browned face."
The Prioress was well known as a nun who spoke French and sung all the time. " And she spoke French fairly and fluently."
The Monk was a man that enjoyed being outside. " An outrider; hunting was his sport."
The Friar was a man that was well spoken and arranged things like weddings. " Equal his gossip and well spoken speech. He had arranged many marriage."
The Merchant had a forked beard, dressed in a motley gown, he sat high on a horse, and had on a Flemish beaver hat."
The Clerk was more like a low class man the was religion and had a little gold with him and brought books to worship the souls. "He had little but gold in his suitcase. On books and learning he would swiftly spend, and then he’d pray diligently for the souls
The Sergeant of the Law was more like a lawyer that was very high priced to get. "He took large fees, and robes more than one."
The Franklin had a white beard he usually ate bread in the morning and dipped it in wine. " white was his beard as is the white daisy."
The Sailor face was turned brown from the hot sun and he wore a gown of thick wool cloth. " of thick woolen cloth that reached unto his knee."
The Physician was best known as the doctor of medicine there was no one else as good as him. "to speak of medicine and surgery."
The Wife of Bath was deaf and make clothes and also make head wigs. " her head dresses were of finest weave and ground."
The Parson was a religious and poor man. " a good man was there of religion, he was a poor country parson."
The Plowman was the brother of the Parson who was a hard working man that lived in peace. " a true worker was he, living in peace and perfect charity."
The Miller was well known as a strong man he was stout built and heavy." Hardy, big of brawn and big of bone."
The Manciple was more like a lord of England. " These men were able to have helped a shire."
The Reeve was a man with no hair on his face who was tall and skinney and had no calf muscle. " Long and lean were his legs, and they were very lean."
The Summoner was known to not be a face of excitement that people would not enjoy looking at. " he had a face that little children feared."
The Pardoner had yellow hair that hung smoothly which were in locks that were very long. " but smooth it hung as does a strike of flax, in driplets hung his locks behind his head."

The Pardoner’s Tale
This story was about this poor looking old man that gave the word of God to the people for money. He often told them anything that came to mind, but in order for him to tell them they would have to give him gold coins. He basically tells the stories from the bible out of the new testament. He has the power to make people believe him and what he’s talking about. I really didn’t get to interested in the story because half of all the words were hard to understand.

The Middle ages and the Pardoner’s tale compares in one way, because both stories have mythical tales about knights. Another way that the two stories is in the middle ages they are composing poetry and songs, and in the pardoner’s tale he’s composing words out of the bible to people on the streets. The last thing that was compared in the two stories were in the Middle ages they were fighting for a change, and in the Pardoner’s tale the Pilgrims were fighting for a change as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007


The story of beowolf was a non-catchy story that I thought was an alright story to read. It really was a fiction story that was made to think you believe in certain things that are not real in life such as dragons, monsters, and demons. I really didn’t find the story interesting to read. It was also very boring. If it was my choice to have to read this story I would have not read it.

I recommend people who are in to folk tales and ancient warrior days to read this story. The reason I say this because maybe they will find this story more interesting than I did. I really feel as if this story wanted to offer religious, being a warrior, and a ruler of a kingdom. Today this story can still relate to others in the world today, because there are still people out there who really have different religions, soldiers that fight in the war, and kings.

The Anglo-Saxon culture was mainly about worshipping the gods and protecting there land and treasures. Examples where. Absolute loyalty to leaders was essential to the Anglo-Saxons. To my understanding it was saying that they give all of there worship to one person and no one else. Next example would have to be, " Their most important god was named Odin, the God of death, poetry, and magic". The reason I thank they worship him the most was because he was the most powerful God they had. Next example would have to be they way they were big on guarding their land and treasures. "Thor and the dragon, who usually the protector of treasure or warrior graves".

The super hero that Beowolf is more like to me would have to be Superman. The reason I say this is because Superman was a very strong man that helps protect his country from evil. Beowolf was the same way like in the end when he had to slay the dragon to protect his country. Well Superman would have done the same thing.

The death of Beowolf was sad. The way he died of being burned by flames from the dragon that he was suppose to be slaying. His shield was not strong enough to keep the flames from burning him. "His shield protected life and body for a shorter time than the prince had hoped." When the dragon blew the flames at Beowolf, he put up his shield which was melted by the flames. He really shouldn’t have been fighting because of his old age, and he wouldn’t be able to fight as good as he used to. Like Superman they’re always trying to fight to make a happy ending and sometimes it never works out.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


1) I chose to read "The Harlem Renaissance." The reason I chose this was because I wanted to read on the time period when blacks were on a higher level. Also in this time period blacks succeeded in a lot of things. Such as being artist, making music, inventing things, and more. So in this story I am expecting to read about blacks succeeding. I never knew what the word Harlem Renaissance meant either. While reading this story I’m also hoping to get a better understanding as well.

2) Read Zora Neale Hurston’s "The Gilded Six-Bits"

I could tell that this story was taken place in the olden days during slavery time. It also had the setting in the south. This was a story from the south because of the way that the people in this story were talking. In the reading the author was trying to show mostly how people talk in Florida. This was mainly what was going on in the story.

This story tells about this lady named Missie May. She was married a man named Joe. He was gone away from her for a long time and when she was at home taking a bath, he came home to surprising her. When she seen him she tackled him with joy. She chased him all through the house and played with him in joy. She said that she misses his tallness walking around.

I really liked this story. I read it because I thought that I was going to learn more about the Harlem renaissance. But it seemed as if the storyteller was telling me of a Negro’s family life. "It was a Negro yard around a Negro house in a Negro settlement." Which was not the only part in the story that had to do with that name. There were lots of things in this book that had to do with African Americans.


a) Richard Corey

This poem clearly shows the life of a man that lot’s of people would love to be. This man was rich, fine, and was praised by other’s. The only problem he was not happy. To me this poem was trying to show a point when you think someone is happy because they are rich could possibly be the opposite. "He was a gentleman from sole to crown, Went home and put a bullet through his head."

b) Mending Wall

This poem represents privacy, but peace. There’s this man who has a neighbor. The man wants to put up a fence between their houses so that he can have privacy. But he’s not doing this to be mean he just think they are two different people that need to be more apart. "Good fences make good neighbors." This is another example of why they should put up the fence. The man’s neighbor agrees with putting up the fence so that they won’t turn into bad neighbors. Cause if they keep this going without a fence someone is going to get mad at the other about which side of the yard is theirs.

c) A Dream Deferred

This is asking what happens when your dream is Deferred. When reading this poem it’s really talking about you. The reason I say this is, because of all of the questions, but no answers. Therefor the author of this poem is referring to you.

d) The Negro Speaks of Rivers

This poem is talking about the importance of the river to the author. How his soul has grown deep like the rivers. "My soul has grown deep like the rivers." He also talked about how long he’s known the rivers. This poem really has an understanding of what rivers are good for.

e) Incident

This poem reminds me of the renaissance days. The reason I say this is "and so I smiled, but he poked out his tongue, and called me, Nigger." This word was used in the slavery days. And this was the only thing the little boy could remember, "from May until December."

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Writing Four- Teen Drinking

Teen drinking is very bad. I say this because today in life many of teens seem to think it’s cool to drink alcohol. All around the world you hear of teens drinking. They drink at parties. They also drink for a stress release. Once I read that sixty percent of teens drink alcohol today. Now that’s just terrible.

Most teens don’t understand that when they drink alcohol it’s not curing them or making them cool. It’s definitely killing them. Other reason teens seem to drink is because of peer pressure. Peer pressure can be a big thing for teen. This reason is when growing up you’re around peers 75% of the time. Drinking can be very pressuring not to do. I say this because you see everybody else drinking alcohol and they look cool. Then you think to yourself that maybe you should try it. That’s when one of those evil peers comes around and seduces you to try some. Then as a dumb teen you follow under and then you become a drinker.

In Georgia there is a law that if you are under 21 and caught with an alcohol beverage you will be arrested. You also are not allowed to purchase alcohol until you are 21 and older. So that makes it clear that teen drinking should not be allowed. Some way or some how teens seem to get a hold of alcohol anywhere. Maybe an adult will purchase it for them or may even pressure young ones to drink under their influence. Many teens follow under adults too. That’s another effect teens have on peer pressure for drinking.

Many teens don’t know how to control alcohol, and that’s why we have so many teens dying from drunk driving. Adults can also die in drunk driving accidents. But most driving accidents are through teen driving. They are coming from a party or a friend’s house and couldn’t control their drinking. When these deaths occur they’re not as shocking to their parents. Well it’s shocking when it first happens, but some people’s parents seem to think that their child should have listened to them and this would have never happened. Others let their teens drink alcohol, and this also causes death.

I think there should be stricter laws than the ones we have now. The laws should require not selling alcohol as much. I think this because teens get a hold of alcohol in all kinds of ways. When teens drink alcohol they act right. That’s with anyone who drinks, but teens seem to go get in cars and drive places. They also can’t control themselves. At party’s they get out of control and act crazy. They fight, shoot, and have bad activities going on.

Things that could happen when consuming alcohol are unknown. They could easily get in a car and try to drive and end up wrecking the vehicle and killing themselves or paralyzing themselves for life or the people with them. They could also end up with a bad liver. Pregnant teens could cause birth defects to their unborn babies. It could cause the child to act very hyper or even have brain damage to where the child can’t function like other people. Other things that could happen to a drinking teen would be very life threatening. Such as a teen girl she could get very drunk and have unprotected sex with anyone. This would cause her to have a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant or carrying a STD.

Males could do things way worst than girls could when they are drunk. They could get very intoxicated which could result in raping someone without realizing what they have done. They could get aggressive and go beat their girlfriends half to death, or they may even kill them. I really think that the law for anyone under 21 not having alcohol should be stricter. This could save more teens lives and others that could have been involved with the drinker.

Thursday, April 5, 2007


1)Read "A Story of an Hour"

a) The detailed description of the setting of this story was some where in the country. It describes how there where many tree’s around. "The tops of tree’s that were all aquiver with the new spring life." When you are living in the city you don’t see as many trees. So therefore I can picture the setting in the country. Another example of this being in the country comes very clear in the story. Because there was nothing in the story talking about many cars and much noise around her. You could tell that she was in a deserted area. If this was the city then she would at least said something about some buildings around her. She was describing everything that had to do with nature. Such as trees, the rain, the clouds.

b)The beliefs of what Chopin was trying to argue were not very clear to me. I really thank that she was trying to argue the fact that a woman was dying of heart disease. And that the woman was not as happy bout the fact that she would die at any moment. So in this novel Chopin tried to describe how the woman acted before her death. She also described how the woman’s death came upon her. This was a story of life. To me you really can’t argue about the fact of dying, because you have to die one day. And when your time comes for you to die and God wants you to die. Then you might as well just give up on life.

2) Read "The Battle with Mr. Covey"

a)The character’s action in this story was different throughout the story. At the beginning of the story he seemed to have been confident about the whole situation. He was talking about how his slave owner Mr. Covey worked them everyday. "We were worked in all weathers." He didn’t care what the weather was like they still had to work. He also talked about Mr. Covey changed his attitude towards his self when he became a slave. Through the middle of the story Fredrick became very scared of Mr. Covey. This was because Mr. Covey started beating on him.

This scared him to death, thinking that his life was going to end. Fredrick called his self-running away from the farmland, because Mr. Covey almost beat him to death. He was chased until finally towards the end of the story. "I resolved to fight; and suiting my action to the resolution, I seized Covey hard by the throat." At the end of the story Fredrick became unscared. He fought Mr. Covey back. That’s how he gained his respect during slavery.

b)The social reason that Fredrick was trying to argue in this story was very clear to see. He was trying to explain the difference in the way that a person acts if you show that you are scared of them, than when you don’t show that you are scared of them. But Fredrick described this matter in the time of slavery. He was arguing the fact that slaves were scared of their owners and that made their owner more meaner. Until you show that you are not scared of anyone then you are most likely to have them afraid of you. Or maybe even respect u.

3) The newspaper is an example of realism. This is because every day there is something in the newspaper that has to do with something gone wrong in the world today. There isn’t hardly anything in the newspaper that has to talk about something good. The newspaper has actions of peoples everyday life which is realism.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dark Romanticism

1)Person (a) Nathaniel Hawthorne would have been against the Transcendentalism the strongest because his family was believed to be evil and he was a part of his family. He also criticizes the Puritans culture. Other than that by his family being evil this is a cause of them being against transcendentalism.

(b) Herman Melville also would be against it. This is because he had evil in his mind as well. Examples of which were he is witnessed of seeing the cannibals in the South Pacific. He also wrote a book called "Moby Dick" which was a story of a ship captain who was obsessed with killing a whale, and killing something has to do with being evil.

(c)Edgar Allen Poe was against it a little. The reason I think it was just a little because it only describes that in his stories that the characters had evil thoughts, but did not have acts of being evil. Also some argue that in all of his stories something represents what’s on his mind.

2) I most likely fall on the dark romanticism side. The reason I say this is because I have evil thoughts a lot. Sometimes I thin of hurting people really bad when I feel miss treated. Some people seem to think that I am evil as well. They say this because I say mean things to them with out thinking. Now in the world it’s very hard being on the Transcendentalism side. This is because of all the disrespectful people living today, and the part were you have to protect yourself.

3) Read "The Black Cat"

4) The Black Cat was such of an evil story. Almost every character in this story was against transcendentalism. This was because they were evil. When you are evil back then you are found to be of the Dark Romanticism. I really liked this story. It was very eye catching. The story was about this man with this black cat named Pluto. In other words with Pluto being a black cat he was known for being evil.

By the cat being known as evil because it was black, then it was against transcendentalism. Another thing in the story that was evil was the person telling the story. The person telling the story was a male. He would abuse and beat on the black cat. He was the owner of the animal, but it was not nice to be so cruel to the animal. Then one day somebody killed his cat. That’s also a sign of some one being evil.

I really think this story was made for people who enjoy evil thoughts and doings of others. This story was a good one. But the only problem I had at the beginning was that I couldn’t really get into the story as well as I did in the middle. Almost every person in this story was evil except for the narrator’s wife. She cared for the new black cat that they had got. She also stopped her husband from killing the cat. This is what took her life. Because when she tried to help the cat her husband killed her.

5) "Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer," were the words of Edgar Allen Poe. This was a line from the poem "The Raven" that caught my attention of a meaning. To me this line was saying that his wife was dying and that his soul was ready for what was going to happen. Also it meant to me that he was not going to doubt about her dying anymore. This was one of the lines that were easier to understand. "Wretch," I cried. "thy God hath lent thee by these angels he hath sent thee." Gives me a thought of Mr. Poe thanking God for sending him angels to help relieve him from pain. Also to help him through the life and death situation his wife.

6) Edgar Allen Poe was known for writing poems, and short stories. He also as well created the detective story and perfected the psychological thriller in the stories. Poe lost his parents before he turned three. He was adopted into John Allen’s family. He went to the University of Virginia, but only stayed for one year. He ran up gambling debts that his foster dad refused to pay. Poe went to the army after his foster dad left him for his college sweetheart. After six months in the army Poe was dismissed from the army school. This was because of his disobedience of orders. That’s when he started first publishing his first books and poems.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Nature: Ralph Waldo Emerson

I thought about this story being more of an outside story. The story really described different parts of nature that men discovered. Also in this story natures not what we people today think of nature being. Nature In the story seems like a real sweet part of life. It explains the beautiful personality of nature. It also talks about the lover of nature. "Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in harmony of both." This is saying that not all of nature’s plants are delivered by natures own. It is said that some are delivered by man.

Self-Reliance: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thinking of this story to be about men. It’s talking about how men tend to have their own belief that they can do anything. "There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance: that imitation is suicide." It’s really telling me that all men believe in anything that others can’t do then he most likely can do it. Also men tend to think that there is nothing they can fell in doing. "Self-reliance is its dislike. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs." This to me is explaining the difference of men to women. Most men think that women can’t do as much as they are able to do.

From Resistance to Civil Government: Henry David Thoreau

This story I didn’t really understand. The part that really caught my attention was how the jail were set up. "walls of solid stones, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron a foot thick." In our jails today I don’t think they have wood and iron doors attached together. This story basically talks about things that happened in the past maybe eighty years ago. Great and interesting story of the late history. The person telling the story was once arrested for not paying any poll tax for six years. This caused him to stay in jail one night.

Chris, a college senior, has just been accepted to the best law school in the county. His parents, Sheila, his wife, and his brothers and sisters are very excited for Chris since he has wanted to become a lawyer for his entire life. Chris isn’t so excited though. He has realized that he would rather be a high school teacher than be a lawyer. Chris would have to go back to school to get his teaching certificate. Chris’ wife is not exactly thrilled with this idea since she has been looking forward to the salary Chris would make as a lawyer. With Chris’ new plan, she would have to pay for Chris’ additional schooling.

My opinion:

I really understand where Chris’ wife is coming from. She has a point. Chris should have thought about what career he really was interested in to the most before he went to college. Chris waited until his senior year in college, and when he got a scholarship to one of the best law school. I understand that it’s his life and he has to live it. But he has to think about it this is her money that he is throwing away. She has to pay for him to go back to college and start over just because he wants to be a teacher. This is not acceptable. The reason I say this is because he already have a career planned ahead of him and he wants to turn it around just to start a new one.

This is an example of transcendentalist, because all men want everything to go their way. This show that the belief of men thinking that they can do anything. When something does not satisfy them, then they want a change.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Writing Three-Finishing High school

Writing Three:
My year of 2007 Classic City High School goals are to graduate. I have been determined to graduate since I have been in school. This is going to be a big thing for me. There are many people in this school looking forward to graduating this year. If I don’t graduate this year I am going to be very mad. I’m not going to give up on school, but I’m going to be highly upset.

Graduating is a big thing for me. I always thought of graduating as being a privilege for all your hard years of school, so when that day comes you won’t think you have been going to school with out any appreciation. After being in school for fourteen years you should get some kind of appreciation. I can already hear my name being called as I graduate. "Terica Kiarra Welbon!" Oh the crowd. I’m going to be the happiest person in the world.

Being at Classic City High is really helping me. Some people like to down this school. In such ways of calling this school a slow school or even criticizing it with there mean thoughts. But I truly think this school is the best choice I have ever made. This school has a good staff that takes time out and helps their students. There are not many students who attend the school, which I think is better. This is because you don’t have to worry about drama much and this is because you choose to go to this school. Before entering this school you have to have an understanding that if you fight at this school you will get kicked out.

This school is keeping me up and many others. Also it doesn’t have a positive effect on my learning. It helps me learn that I am here for learning not for the drama. I try to get my work done before associating with others in the class. My mother also thinks this is my best choice of school. She really likes this program and supports me with it the best that she can. The day that I graduate from this school I’m going to give a long speech.

After graduating I plan on moving to Atlanta, Georgia. The reason I say this is because up there you have better choices of jobs to pick from. I also plan on going to college. I don’t think I want to attend college in Athens. The reason I say this is because I have lived down here all of my life and I would like a change. So when I graduate I will be grown as well and I can make my own decisions.

I made up my goals of what I wanted to do after I graduate a while back. I plan on gong to college for cosmetology and dance. Here in Athens there wouldn’t be many choices of shops and studios, so if I were to move to a bigger city then I would have more choices to pick from. Another reason I want to move to Atlanta is because I like the atmosphere up there. It is very live. I like action and sometimes that keeps me focused.

I really want to be a choreographer when I graduate. This is because I love music so much that when I hear any tune I just automatically start dancing. Most of my family members really think that I am a great dancer. My sister tells me all the time that she dream for me is to be a choreographer. Ever since I was a little toddler I have been known for dancing. My aunts and uncles love to see me dance when we have family events. All of my cousins support me when I dance because they know that’s my hobby and dream.

The reason I want to be a hairdresser is because I love doing hair. When I do hair it takes much of my attention from what’s going on around me. My sister has me styling her hair all the time. She said that when her hair had come out, and I started styling her hair that her hair started growing back. Now that she has other people styling her hair it’s falling back out. Now while I’m in high school I attend the Georgia. Institute. Of Cosmetology. Here I learn more than I already know. I really like it, and this is what really made me want to have a career in Cosmetology.

Monday, February 26, 2007

American Romanticism

1) The story that I read was "The legend of sleepy hollow". Which takes place in Greensburgh. This is better known as Tarry Town. The story tells that the good housewives gave this name to the town. Also there was a smaller valley which was quieter than anything. It was right over the high hills of Tarry Town. The only sound that comes up maybe sometimes would be the sound of a woodpecker on a tree.

The person telling the story told that the only noise they heard was when he first was learning to shoot squirrels. He said that he shot it in a tall walnut tree that shaded one side of the small valley. Some say that a High German doctor during the early day’s settlements hunted the small valley. The place still seems as if it was still under some witching powers that take over the good people’s minds. They have the people thinking that they are seeing strange visions, and hearing music and voices in the air.

Honestly I really think that these people are having these beliefs about this town being hunted is because someone has excited their minds with a bunch of nonsense. Truly enough in some places it seems as if you are seeing and hearing strange sounds and visions. But sometimes when someone tells you a myth you get all cited up and you start believing the myth is true. Therefore people should not believe anything before they see it.

2) One of the things in this story, which I think is romanticism, is when all the people in the town have others believing something that may not be real. Example: "Some say that the place was bewitched by a High German doctor." Another thing that seems to be romanticism in the story is the part where they make up a creature and have people believing in this. Example: "It is said by some to be the ghost of Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a cannon-ball."

3) Things that I noticed in this poem was the imagination of the lady at the beginning. It started explaining how she speaks a various language. And the way her voice is of gladness with a smile that sparkles. This story also tells the wanting of being in love. They describe how the people show love for each others and the setting of where they are is so peaceful. The story also has big imaginations which compares to romanticism. It explains what they would think is a beautiful world to live in. they do this to draw peoples attention.

4) I think that the point of this story was to tell what every one was doing while the person walking on the rope watched. Another thing that I believe to be a point in the story is to show what happiness is like. The images that stand out most to me are the places that the different people are. "Two fair maidens in a swing." The poem also has catchy images like who and what the specific person is that’s playing a role in this poem. The "Rope walk" is a good example of romanticism. This is because romanticism is when people make up stories that they want others to believe they have seen. In the "Rope walk" the story gives places that people have heard of, but the author also added other things to the scene that people don’t know is true. The story also has imaginative things that I know for a fact is not real. The way this story is really an example of romanticism is because the story is made up. The story teller isn’t seeing these things for real. He just wants to tell a story to get your interest and have you believing everything in the story.

5) This picture makes me think of romanticism because, it looks like a fairy tale land. It looks so peaceful and very imaginative. This picture is like picture in your dream that you would love to be in. that’s why I called it a picture in a dream. Another thing that makes me think of romanticism is to think of this being real but it’s not. Maybe the person who painted this picture would have liked to be in a peaceful land with a beautiful waterfall, animals, and fresh trees.

The reason I chose this picture is because they say in stories and movies that Romeo and Juliet were in so much love with each other. We believe that there was really a Romeo and Juliet and that they were really in love with each other. When it could have really been the other way around and there wasn’t any Romeo and Juliet. And if it was a Romeo and Juliet maybe they weren’t in love maybe they really hated each other.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Writing Two (Yesterday)

When I woke yesterday morning my pupils widened to the sunlight. The brightness of the sun made me close and open my eyes up again. After waking myself I started stretching my body. It felt so good. Once my whole body was awake I slowly felt my self get up. When I got up off of the bed I stretched one more time. Then I stated walking towards the room door. The door was closed so I reached to touch the circle knob and then turned it and opened the door.

Once I opened the door a cool breeze hit my face. When the breeze hit my face I had a quick reaction. This meant that my eyes blinked and my face frowned a little. After that I walked in the bathroom and took a look in the mirror to review how my faced looked before I got pretty. Then I took a dry rag and turned the sink water on and the wet the rag. While wetting the rag I felt the warm water run over my hands. This was a wonderful feeling in the morning. The I lifted the rag to my face and started to wash my face.

After washing my face I walked down stairs very quietly. Because everyone else was still asleep in the house. I walked in the kitchen to see what there was to cook. That’s when I opened and touched the refrigerator door. There wasn’t anything in there that I wanted, so that’s when I grab the telephone and dialed my boyfriends number. As I dialed the number I could hear the beeping noise of the buttons as I pressed down on them. When my boyfriend picked up I then told him what I wanted. He then said that he would be at my house shortly. Once I hung up the phone I just sat there waiting for my sausage biscuit. Then I heard a loud pipe noise outside and then a car door close. I jumped up in joy, not for the food but because my man was here. I walked to the front door to greet him with a hug and a kiss. To him this was a thank you appreciation for my biscuit. But to me I was happy to see him even though I do see him most of the time.

After he gave me my biscuit he sat and chilled with me for a while. This was because he knows he missed me. When he gave me my food I could smell the fresh hot biscuit. As I opened it steam rose from the biscuit. My mouth began to get very watery by looking at the food. Then I started eating. The biscuit was so good and soft. It had a warm buttery taste to it. By the time that I got finished with my food my stomach felt very full. To wash it all down my hubby brought me some cranberry juice to go with it. When I opened the bottle I heard as the top snapped away from the sealing. I pulled the top from the bottle and turned the juice up. It was so cold and good to my mouth.

Once I was finished my hubby asked me if I wanted to ride with him. I did not hesitate to say yes. Then I ran up stairs to put on some clothes. First I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth so that my breath can smell good. Once I finished I got in the shower and the warm water felt so good to my skin. The fragrance that I used to bathe with was cucumber melon bath wash. It smelled so good. Once I was finished bathing I touch the tub knobs and turned the water off. I then grab the towel off the hanger and wrapped it around me and entered my room. I dried myself off and looked in my draw to find some underclothes. I put them on once I found me some to wear. After that I went to my closet and got me something to put on.

Then I ran back down the steps. As soon as I got to the bottom of the steps I was out of breath. I then had to take a break and sit down. Then my boyfriend told me to come on. He then touched the doorknob to open the door for me. We then got in the car. I heard the tangling of the keys when he was pulling them out of his pocket. The loud motor sounded off as he cranked the car up. After cranking the car he pulled off and the loud pipes sounded off.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Rationalists

1)The Puritans and Rationalist were different because. The reason they were different is that the Puritans believed in God and the Rationalist believed in science. This way it was the Rationalist versus the Puritans. In other words the Puritans believed that God made everything and no one can oversee that. The rationalist thought differently. They had questions about why they were made the way they were, and how they were made, and what was they’re reason for being made. There were a lot of things that the Puritans might think were wrong, but the Rationalist might think it’s a good experiment done.

3) Benjamin Franklin to my belief was a Rationalist. The reason for this thought is because he was a scientist. Only scientist believe in planning thing out on paper then trying to figure out the problem with different experiments. If he were a Puritan then he would have left it to God to solve his problems. In other words Puritans think that God is the answer to all of their problems. Rationalist invented many things when they had problems trying to be solved. For example Ben Franklin had no electricity so he invented electricity. If he was a Puritan he would have counted on God who only makes light with the sun.

He also made a list of virtues. By making this list it would help him by writing out his feelings and how he could help them himself. To his own mind he knew that every problem he had he didn’t have to ask God for help. There for he made away to help himself.

4) 13 Virtues
Eating- eat healthy and not to much.
Attitude- needs to be more calming towards people
Emotions- try not to make so high
Trouble- try to keep out of
Money- try to save it more
School- try to learn as much as possible and try to graduate
Lies- try not to tell any
Friends- try not to keep to many because to many can cause trouble
Education- try to keep much of you might get somewhere
Lover- try to keep because you might not find another like it
Clothes- try to keep at a casual level you might be respected
Hair- try to keep descent no one won’t stare at you crazy
Family- stay close to because no one will love you more

5) "That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" Meaning that they have certain things they are able to do without God and that they really don’t need him for everything. So there for this is for the Rationalist because they seem to do a lot of things on there own any way. The Puritans think that they need God for everything. "All men are created equal" to the Puritans they think that the only way you are in good with God then you have to be a chosen one. The Rationalist think different they don’t think about any one being chosen because they solve everything on their own. "Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" the Puritans don’t think of happiness for everyone. This is because they believe you have to be a chosen one and you are not happy until you go to heaven. The Rationalist try to make their life on earth happy because they try to make if by their selves.


1)Puritans Beliefs
Most people believe today that the only way you get to heaven is if you get baptized. But everyone has they’re own beliefs. Just like the puritans. Puritans had a lot of different beliefs of things going on around the world. The way that people think today about Adam and Eve, the Puritans thought differently about them. They’re belief is that because of Adam and Eve’s wrong doing everyone born is born sinful. Also they had thought about Jesus. The man who people say died to set us free. Well according to the Puritans Jesus died to set the chosen one’s free from all pain.

As of today everyone thinks of God being the father of all his children. They also think that he treats everyone the same. According to the Puritans, God was a man of the chosen one’s. The only way you get to heaven you have to be one of god’s chosen and respected people. Also they thought that people that were chosen by God lived very high class and had it much easier than the unchosen one’s.

2) In the History of Plymoth Plantation which was a presonal journal of William Bradford. He was a leader of the Puritans separatist. He and other Puritans god on a ship called the Mayflower hoping become to a better world. in this he was saying how when they got to their destination they thanked god for everything and how he helped them across the ocean safely. He also talked about how when they got to the new world there was no one there to greet them. Also they were not presentable to the new world because where they came from was very poor.

This is how they sought a place of habitation. from Bradfords journal. When they reached their starting ground they began shaving a large shallop of wood that they brought from england to start fires. Others began settling their material goods in what they call their new home. Some of the others started out in search for land that they could own and sell when someone wants to purchase land. They reached land on November the 11th. This is the day that they started all of the settling. On November 15th some of the men started on a search farther out. But on their way they seen a couple of scavengers who ran from them. But the English men didn't want any trouble they just wanted to find some information about the land. Nothing happened when they followed them except they lost them.
From then on every once in a while the indians would show their face. But they would not get close enough to touch. when some one did get close the indians would run away. But on March 16th one of the indians came up to the english men and spoke. When he spoke it was clear english that the englishmen could understand. He was origannally from where the indians were from, but the reason he spoke their language is because they fish where he is from and he learned there language that way.

Puritans wrote in plain writing because they didn’t care about others. They just wrote so that they can understand. Also I think they did this because they were only thinking about God excepting them than anyone else. In most of the writing they were basically talking about how the way god should except them and no one else. Other than that they were trying to talk down on any one else.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Analytical Project

Terica is a very outgoing young lady. She is only seventeen years old and lives with her mother. Terica is the sibling of three sisters and one brother. She tends to get what she wants from all of them when she’s in a good mood. This is when she is happy. Terica has many moods going from being happy, sad, mad, hyper, and calm.

Terica tends to talk much when she is happy. On a regular day that Terica is happy she smiles at everyone in her sight. She does this because she sees no evil when she is happy. Like once this girl tried to fight her over a boy at a party. But Terica just over looked the problem and kept n dancing. This was because she was happy having fun. Terica tends to speak to any and everybody around her. When Terica’s smiling it’s the best way to know she’s happy. You can then feel free to speak to her. Terica is happy most of the time.

It takes plenty to make Terica mad, but when someone ticks her off oh she’s mad. Like once when she was having a good time, somebody called her out a name that she didn’t like and to her that word means war. Most of the time she tries to be a peacemaker. Although, sometimes it seems as if people don’t appreciate Terica’s nice ways. When she’s mad she takes it out on any and everyone in site so it be best that you don’t say anything to her. She tends to act like she has problems and starts punching things. She does this to try and get rid of her anger. When Terica’s mad she doesn’t speak to anyone. This is because she tries to calm her self down from exploding into hitting someone. So when Terica is mad stay away from her.

When Terica’s sad she cries. This is because she’s hurt. Everyone has a weak side to him or her that tends to make them cry. Terica wears her heart on her sleeve, and it is very easy for her to cry. Once she cried because her mother didn’t get her the shoes she asked for. Most of the time she cries when she thinks about old things that have happened in her past life. Other times she cry is when someone has passed away in her family or someone who was close to her. Once she cried when someone played with her heart when she was in the ninth grade and she said to herself. No ones going to play with my heart again." Yes it is easy for someone to hurt Terica’s feelings so bad, that she will cry very easily. But sometimes when she’s sad she becomes angry and tries to do crazy things to hurt people. Many of people hate to see Terica mad because it’s not like her, because she spends most of her time being happy.

When Terica is calm she doesn’t talk, laugh, or frown. That’s the best way to tell if she is calm. She doesn’t run around and act crazy. She just sits there in silence. She might put a little smile on her face, but not big. Terica likes being calm; the reason for this is because she tends to not have any trouble on her shoulder. When Terica is calm that means that she is also happy. Or either she’s thinking very hard about something. Most people like Terica when she’s calm; this is because she tends to be to herself. When all of her calmness dies down everybody wonders what’s next with her mood swings. Some people think of Terica as being nice and respectful. She tends to get along well with people unless they just annoy her with their attitude.

These four different ways that Terica acts are very much different. She has all of these different mood swings almost every day. All people in the world have at least four or five different moods. There’s nothing wrong with having all of these moods. This is because it is a part of life. You are not always going to be happy throughout your life, and hopefully not mean your whole life.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Getting to know me

Hi! My name is Terica Welbon. I am 17 years old. I live here in Athens, Ga. I plan on graduating in May of 2007. I enjoy being me. I love having fun with family and friends. But the most fun I have is with my boyfriend. I love dancing, acting out, and doing hair. Most of the time I am at home on the phone chatting about..... Also going out and clubbing. That's all i have to say as of now, but I have officially gave you permission to surf my blog. After i graduate i plan on moving to atlanta, georgia to persue my career in dancing. Also I have a Scholarship to any college and i would rather go to school up there.