Thursday, April 5, 2007


1)Read "A Story of an Hour"

a) The detailed description of the setting of this story was some where in the country. It describes how there where many tree’s around. "The tops of tree’s that were all aquiver with the new spring life." When you are living in the city you don’t see as many trees. So therefore I can picture the setting in the country. Another example of this being in the country comes very clear in the story. Because there was nothing in the story talking about many cars and much noise around her. You could tell that she was in a deserted area. If this was the city then she would at least said something about some buildings around her. She was describing everything that had to do with nature. Such as trees, the rain, the clouds.

b)The beliefs of what Chopin was trying to argue were not very clear to me. I really thank that she was trying to argue the fact that a woman was dying of heart disease. And that the woman was not as happy bout the fact that she would die at any moment. So in this novel Chopin tried to describe how the woman acted before her death. She also described how the woman’s death came upon her. This was a story of life. To me you really can’t argue about the fact of dying, because you have to die one day. And when your time comes for you to die and God wants you to die. Then you might as well just give up on life.

2) Read "The Battle with Mr. Covey"

a)The character’s action in this story was different throughout the story. At the beginning of the story he seemed to have been confident about the whole situation. He was talking about how his slave owner Mr. Covey worked them everyday. "We were worked in all weathers." He didn’t care what the weather was like they still had to work. He also talked about Mr. Covey changed his attitude towards his self when he became a slave. Through the middle of the story Fredrick became very scared of Mr. Covey. This was because Mr. Covey started beating on him.

This scared him to death, thinking that his life was going to end. Fredrick called his self-running away from the farmland, because Mr. Covey almost beat him to death. He was chased until finally towards the end of the story. "I resolved to fight; and suiting my action to the resolution, I seized Covey hard by the throat." At the end of the story Fredrick became unscared. He fought Mr. Covey back. That’s how he gained his respect during slavery.

b)The social reason that Fredrick was trying to argue in this story was very clear to see. He was trying to explain the difference in the way that a person acts if you show that you are scared of them, than when you don’t show that you are scared of them. But Fredrick described this matter in the time of slavery. He was arguing the fact that slaves were scared of their owners and that made their owner more meaner. Until you show that you are not scared of anyone then you are most likely to have them afraid of you. Or maybe even respect u.

3) The newspaper is an example of realism. This is because every day there is something in the newspaper that has to do with something gone wrong in the world today. There isn’t hardly anything in the newspaper that has to talk about something good. The newspaper has actions of peoples everyday life which is realism.

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