Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Writing Four- Teen Drinking

Teen drinking is very bad. I say this because today in life many of teens seem to think it’s cool to drink alcohol. All around the world you hear of teens drinking. They drink at parties. They also drink for a stress release. Once I read that sixty percent of teens drink alcohol today. Now that’s just terrible.

Most teens don’t understand that when they drink alcohol it’s not curing them or making them cool. It’s definitely killing them. Other reason teens seem to drink is because of peer pressure. Peer pressure can be a big thing for teen. This reason is when growing up you’re around peers 75% of the time. Drinking can be very pressuring not to do. I say this because you see everybody else drinking alcohol and they look cool. Then you think to yourself that maybe you should try it. That’s when one of those evil peers comes around and seduces you to try some. Then as a dumb teen you follow under and then you become a drinker.

In Georgia there is a law that if you are under 21 and caught with an alcohol beverage you will be arrested. You also are not allowed to purchase alcohol until you are 21 and older. So that makes it clear that teen drinking should not be allowed. Some way or some how teens seem to get a hold of alcohol anywhere. Maybe an adult will purchase it for them or may even pressure young ones to drink under their influence. Many teens follow under adults too. That’s another effect teens have on peer pressure for drinking.

Many teens don’t know how to control alcohol, and that’s why we have so many teens dying from drunk driving. Adults can also die in drunk driving accidents. But most driving accidents are through teen driving. They are coming from a party or a friend’s house and couldn’t control their drinking. When these deaths occur they’re not as shocking to their parents. Well it’s shocking when it first happens, but some people’s parents seem to think that their child should have listened to them and this would have never happened. Others let their teens drink alcohol, and this also causes death.

I think there should be stricter laws than the ones we have now. The laws should require not selling alcohol as much. I think this because teens get a hold of alcohol in all kinds of ways. When teens drink alcohol they act right. That’s with anyone who drinks, but teens seem to go get in cars and drive places. They also can’t control themselves. At party’s they get out of control and act crazy. They fight, shoot, and have bad activities going on.

Things that could happen when consuming alcohol are unknown. They could easily get in a car and try to drive and end up wrecking the vehicle and killing themselves or paralyzing themselves for life or the people with them. They could also end up with a bad liver. Pregnant teens could cause birth defects to their unborn babies. It could cause the child to act very hyper or even have brain damage to where the child can’t function like other people. Other things that could happen to a drinking teen would be very life threatening. Such as a teen girl she could get very drunk and have unprotected sex with anyone. This would cause her to have a 50/50 chance of getting pregnant or carrying a STD.

Males could do things way worst than girls could when they are drunk. They could get very intoxicated which could result in raping someone without realizing what they have done. They could get aggressive and go beat their girlfriends half to death, or they may even kill them. I really think that the law for anyone under 21 not having alcohol should be stricter. This could save more teens lives and others that could have been involved with the drinker.

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