Thursday, September 20, 2007

The Middles Ages

The Crusades
The crusades are well known as a big event that happened in the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth centuries. The reason for this was because there were two different religions fighting over land. The two religions were known as Christian Europe and the followers of Muhammad. Jerusalem and the Holy Land (I don’t know what it is) was the land that they were fighting over. One of the kings in that time period that took a big part in this event was King Richard.

The Martyrdom of Thomas a Becket
Thomas a Becket (the holly blissful martyr) was known as the archbishop. Which was known s another leader besides the king. He was more like the Christian leader of England, who would ask the priest for information on how to do things the right way. Christianity wasn't very big at the time he was living. Until one day the king didn’t like the fact that there was another leader that did things his own way and he set out for the archbishop to be killed. After his death Christianity became popular.

The Magna Carta
The Magna Carta was an agreement document that was signed in 1215. This document was an agreement that gave the people in England such rights as trial by jury and legislative taxation were established. This document had to be signed by the king, which was King John at this time period. The document was signed in Runnymede. The king at first refused to sign this document, but was forced by the English barons to sign it.

The Black Death
A highly contagious disease which hit England in 1348-1349. This disease was known to have killed a third of England. This disease was spread from infected rats to fleas that were throughout the country. By all these deaths in the nation it caused the labor to be shorter. This also gave the lower class people a privilege to have the upper hand.

The Caterbury Tales
The Knight was very engaged with all of his nation. " Who, from the moment that he first began to ride about the world, loved chivalry, truth, honour, freedom and all courtesy.
The Squire was the nights young loving son which accepted anything and had money. "A lover and a lively bachelor."
The Yeoman was cropped headed and had a sun brown face tone. " A cropped head has he and a sun browned face."
The Prioress was well known as a nun who spoke French and sung all the time. " And she spoke French fairly and fluently."
The Monk was a man that enjoyed being outside. " An outrider; hunting was his sport."
The Friar was a man that was well spoken and arranged things like weddings. " Equal his gossip and well spoken speech. He had arranged many marriage."
The Merchant had a forked beard, dressed in a motley gown, he sat high on a horse, and had on a Flemish beaver hat."
The Clerk was more like a low class man the was religion and had a little gold with him and brought books to worship the souls. "He had little but gold in his suitcase. On books and learning he would swiftly spend, and then he’d pray diligently for the souls
The Sergeant of the Law was more like a lawyer that was very high priced to get. "He took large fees, and robes more than one."
The Franklin had a white beard he usually ate bread in the morning and dipped it in wine. " white was his beard as is the white daisy."
The Sailor face was turned brown from the hot sun and he wore a gown of thick wool cloth. " of thick woolen cloth that reached unto his knee."
The Physician was best known as the doctor of medicine there was no one else as good as him. "to speak of medicine and surgery."
The Wife of Bath was deaf and make clothes and also make head wigs. " her head dresses were of finest weave and ground."
The Parson was a religious and poor man. " a good man was there of religion, he was a poor country parson."
The Plowman was the brother of the Parson who was a hard working man that lived in peace. " a true worker was he, living in peace and perfect charity."
The Miller was well known as a strong man he was stout built and heavy." Hardy, big of brawn and big of bone."
The Manciple was more like a lord of England. " These men were able to have helped a shire."
The Reeve was a man with no hair on his face who was tall and skinney and had no calf muscle. " Long and lean were his legs, and they were very lean."
The Summoner was known to not be a face of excitement that people would not enjoy looking at. " he had a face that little children feared."
The Pardoner had yellow hair that hung smoothly which were in locks that were very long. " but smooth it hung as does a strike of flax, in driplets hung his locks behind his head."

The Pardoner’s Tale
This story was about this poor looking old man that gave the word of God to the people for money. He often told them anything that came to mind, but in order for him to tell them they would have to give him gold coins. He basically tells the stories from the bible out of the new testament. He has the power to make people believe him and what he’s talking about. I really didn’t get to interested in the story because half of all the words were hard to understand.

The Middle ages and the Pardoner’s tale compares in one way, because both stories have mythical tales about knights. Another way that the two stories is in the middle ages they are composing poetry and songs, and in the pardoner’s tale he’s composing words out of the bible to people on the streets. The last thing that was compared in the two stories were in the Middle ages they were fighting for a change, and in the Pardoner’s tale the Pilgrims were fighting for a change as well.

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