Wednesday, December 19, 2007


In the Glorious Revolution (The Bloodless Revolution) King James II over took his brothers job who was a Roman Catholic. The people did not want him to be the ruler, but the people didn’t know that he was going to hand his ruler ship over to the pope. Soon he had a son who could be ruler after him and they went off to France which ended the Glorious Revolution. After his Death his daughter took over the throne then she didn’t have kids so her sister took over after and then the list went on. If they didn’t have any kids the closets family members take over.
The reason I think this event was so important is because it was a time period when the Catholic people were big. It also was a time period when the rulers tried to abandon their country.

"Satire" The meaning to this word from my best of knowledge would have to be a form of literature that an imperfection or lack of understanding of sense. The word also stresses out the weakness than the weakness of the person. Also indicates indirectly dead judge ment. Examples of satire is Darkhorse Comic Art, Paris Hilton, Triumph Insult Comic Dog, and Political Satire.

In The Modern Proposal it was made to seem more like a satire by doing evil things. Such as he was saying that people should eat their children so there won’t be many people. Which he was trying to say with lesser people there won’t be much to pay for, but if you have children you then it would be more you have to pay for. Also he says something about women having abortions and murdering their bastard children. Which to my best understanding was satire be it’s such an evil thing to do.

The Diary of Samuel Pepys

The reason I chose to read Diary of Samuel Pepys is because I love reading diaries. Through out all the entries I only like two and understood them well. The first entry I got a good understanding out of was October13, 1660 "A Public Execution, A Private Explosion. In this Samuel was explaining how he was just taking a walk to meet Captian Cuttance but instead ran in to the General hanging with his flesh cut open for the people to see. He was very shocked by this. People were shouting to this scene. He said that the general once said that he was going to see christ shortly. Then he went home and took his anger out on his wife just because she had her items laying out on the floor and he kicked a basket that he had purchased for her and broke it.

The next diary entry I understood was the July 11, 1664 "A Bad Night" this was the night Samuel could not sleep. It was about eleven o-clock when this started he was sweating and could not sleep. He heard noises throughout the house and had a thought of someone breaking in the house. With the noise making he got into deeper thoughts of someone breaking in and stealing money from him because he was wealthy. He then was calling people and didn’t get an answer. ‘I RUNG." Then his wife soon awoke and realized it was the dog who wanted to get in bed with then. But he couldn’t and started making noises.

To me after reading so many stories from this time period made me think that these people were mostly about money. The reason I say this is be cause in the Modest Proposal he explain that people should eat their children so they would be more richer and there will be less poor people. Also they didn’t want people having more children because children cost. In the diary I read these people were always thinking people are out to get them for their money. So in this time period they were mainly about money. And from reading in a bible and knowing that money is a sign of evil then the whole time period was a satire period.

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