Thursday, November 8, 2007


In this act Macduff and others started gathhering up and army to kill Macbeth. The main members were Macduff, Malcolm, Ross, Siward, Youn Siward, Menteith, and Seyton. These were angry soilders that couldn't wait to kill Macbeth. As they were marching up towards the castle they were told to get large branches off of trees and light them up. Macbeth soon started seeing the trees move up closer to the castle and he remembered what the witchs said so he stared gettin all bothered up over it and then he started repeating no one born from a woman womb can kill him so that ment no one could kill him. At least that's what he thought.

Entering the castle Young Siward and Macbeth wen at it and Young Siward was killed then Macbeth and Macduff started fighting. While they were fighting Macbeth told Macduff that the witches told him that no one born from a woman womb can kil him and then Macduff said he wasn't born from the womb he was cut out of the stomach. Thats when he sliced Macbeths head off of his shoulder. After the whole conflik Malcolm was crown king and gave a long speach. This is what ended the story.

I really like this story and would like to red more storys like it. This story caught alot of my attention which made me think about reading more storys that have to do with the past centurys. I even learned how their plays were different from the plays today.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

These Macbeth posts are not bad, but they could certainly use some proof reading and direct evidence.