Thursday, November 15, 2007

Edmund Spenser sonnet

One day I wrote her name upon the strand, A
But came the waves and washed it away; B
Again I wrote it with a second hand, A
But came the tide, and made my pains his prey. B

Vain man," said she, "that doest in vain assay, B
A mortal thing so to this decay, C
For I myself shall like to this decay, B
And eke my name be wiped out likewise." C

Not so," quod I, "let baser things devise C
To die in dust, but you shall live by fame: D
My verse your virtues rare shall eternize, C
And in the heavens write your glorious name. D

Where whenas death shall all the world subdue, E
Our love shall live, and later life renew." E

This is a sonnet that I chose for Edmund Spenser who is another poetic from Renaissance. Spenser groups his poems out in four different rhyme schemes, and his rhyme scheme is broken down in sections a little similar to Shakespeare rhyme scheme. But it broken down like this ABAB BCBC CDCD EE. The first part of this sonnet would be ABAB. The first line A says to my best understanding one day he wrote a females name in the sand at the beach and it continues with the first line B which says but the waves from the ocean washed the name in the sand away. The last two line in section one of ABAB would be the second line A which by my reading it understood it as he wrote the name in the sand again after it had been washed away once, second line B continues and the waves came and washed the name away again and he cried. Section two of this sonnet would be BCBC. When I read over this section I understood this part to be saying, that the woman is saying to the man that he’s being silly writing her name in the sand thinking that she gone live for ever, but when she dies her names gonna fade way with her. The third section of the sonnet would have to be the CDCD section and I best understood it to be saying, not so said let the lower things die in the dust because will not forever be but she will be eternal to him through her poem which will live forever. The fourth section of this sonnet is the last par which is EE. This says when we die our love will still be.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

William Skakespeare Sonnets

When, inn disgrace with Fortune and men’s eyes, A
I all alone beweep my outcast state, B
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries, A
And look upon myself and curse my fate, B

Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, C
Featured like him, like him with friends possessed D
Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope, C
With what I most enjoy contented least, D

Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising, E
Haply I think on thee, and then my state, F
Like to the lark at break of day arising, E
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate; F

For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings G
That then I scorn to change my state with kings. G

This is the sonnet of William Shakespeare. He broke his poems down in sections with ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The first section would be ABAB. To my understanding in the first line A he says with him being less fortunate that people look at him differently. In the first line B he says that when he’s alone he cries to himself for not being so fortunate as others. In the second line A he was saying that his cries are useless. The last line in the first section would be line B which says he talks down on his self for being unfortunate.
The second section of this sonnet would be CDCD. The first line of this section would have to be C which says to my best understanding he wishes to be rich like another man. The second line would be the first D and it says rich with friend who are rich like him. The second line C says amazed by his literary ability and power. The last line of this section which is the second D which says something that he does not enjoy most. The third section of this sonnet would be the EFEF part. This section really says that when he thinks about not being fortunate he almost hates his self, but when he thinks about the person he’s writing this poem to he feels happy that he’s who he is now. Last would have to be section GG. Which says thinking of the sweet memories of being very wealthy he’s happy being less fortunate and if he was he probably would have thought about this whole thing.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


In this act Macduff and others started gathhering up and army to kill Macbeth. The main members were Macduff, Malcolm, Ross, Siward, Youn Siward, Menteith, and Seyton. These were angry soilders that couldn't wait to kill Macbeth. As they were marching up towards the castle they were told to get large branches off of trees and light them up. Macbeth soon started seeing the trees move up closer to the castle and he remembered what the witchs said so he stared gettin all bothered up over it and then he started repeating no one born from a woman womb can kill him so that ment no one could kill him. At least that's what he thought.

Entering the castle Young Siward and Macbeth wen at it and Young Siward was killed then Macbeth and Macduff started fighting. While they were fighting Macbeth told Macduff that the witches told him that no one born from a woman womb can kil him and then Macduff said he wasn't born from the womb he was cut out of the stomach. Thats when he sliced Macbeths head off of his shoulder. After the whole conflik Malcolm was crown king and gave a long speach. This is what ended the story.

I really like this story and would like to red more storys like it. This story caught alot of my attention which made me think about reading more storys that have to do with the past centurys. I even learned how their plays were different from the plays today.


In act four it is now noticable to the people that Macbeth killed the king and they want him dead. Macbeth has a fear that the people know about him killing the king and is afraid that they might ty to kill him, so he goes to the witches for answers. The witches told Macbeth that no one born from a woman will be able to kill him and that he won't die until the woods have grew up to the castle. This made Macbeth think that noboy can kill him.

So he went back to the castle and was not scared because of what he had just been told. Also in act four lady Macbeth was sleep walking and the gentlewoman and the doctor were around and the gentle woman describing and repeating everything lady Macbeth say and do. Lady Macbeth let the word out that her husband killed the king and that she master minded him and was sleep while she did it. She describe all the things she said to him after he had done the killing. Like to put on their gowns and act like they were asleep.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


In act three of Macbeth he is crowned the king. For him now being the king he's throwing a party and everyone is to attend the big feast. There's just one problem at the beginning of act three Banquo and Macbeth get into an arguement because of disagreements because somewhere in Banquo's mind he's kind of wondering about the kings death strongly and he really thinks Macbeth has something to do with it.

Macbeth doesnt like Banquo attitude towards him and hires three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. The murders then set out to kill. They met up with Banquo and his son in the woods And started conversating with Banquo and his son. They then killed Banquo and as the were killing him he yelled for his son to run, and the murderers did not get to kill Fleance. When they returned back to the castle the party had already began. Banquo was dead and didn't show up and another person that didn't show up was Macduff. When Macbeth was about to have a seat in his chair he seen the ghost of Banquo and he started acting crazy and ran all of the guest away with his foolish ness.


In act two of Maceth the king was murdered. The king was killed by Macbeth who was materminded by his wife lady Macbeth to kill the king. The reason she did this was for her husband to become king faster. as the death of the king Macbeth was shooken up and didn't know what to do after killing the king, his wife who had total controll of his mind made him evil enough to not care after a while.

When vissiters came to the castle after the murder she tried to make it seem as if someone came into the castle and killed the king and that she didn't know anything about the kings death. Macbeth also murdered the kings son. Macbeth played the killing off as good as his wife did, but they knew that people were going to start getting supicious about the killing. Such as the people staying in the house could be the killers.