Monday, January 29, 2007

The Rationalists

1)The Puritans and Rationalist were different because. The reason they were different is that the Puritans believed in God and the Rationalist believed in science. This way it was the Rationalist versus the Puritans. In other words the Puritans believed that God made everything and no one can oversee that. The rationalist thought differently. They had questions about why they were made the way they were, and how they were made, and what was they’re reason for being made. There were a lot of things that the Puritans might think were wrong, but the Rationalist might think it’s a good experiment done.

3) Benjamin Franklin to my belief was a Rationalist. The reason for this thought is because he was a scientist. Only scientist believe in planning thing out on paper then trying to figure out the problem with different experiments. If he were a Puritan then he would have left it to God to solve his problems. In other words Puritans think that God is the answer to all of their problems. Rationalist invented many things when they had problems trying to be solved. For example Ben Franklin had no electricity so he invented electricity. If he was a Puritan he would have counted on God who only makes light with the sun.

He also made a list of virtues. By making this list it would help him by writing out his feelings and how he could help them himself. To his own mind he knew that every problem he had he didn’t have to ask God for help. There for he made away to help himself.

4) 13 Virtues
Eating- eat healthy and not to much.
Attitude- needs to be more calming towards people
Emotions- try not to make so high
Trouble- try to keep out of
Money- try to save it more
School- try to learn as much as possible and try to graduate
Lies- try not to tell any
Friends- try not to keep to many because to many can cause trouble
Education- try to keep much of you might get somewhere
Lover- try to keep because you might not find another like it
Clothes- try to keep at a casual level you might be respected
Hair- try to keep descent no one won’t stare at you crazy
Family- stay close to because no one will love you more

5) "That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights" Meaning that they have certain things they are able to do without God and that they really don’t need him for everything. So there for this is for the Rationalist because they seem to do a lot of things on there own any way. The Puritans think that they need God for everything. "All men are created equal" to the Puritans they think that the only way you are in good with God then you have to be a chosen one. The Rationalist think different they don’t think about any one being chosen because they solve everything on their own. "Liberty and the pursuit of happiness" the Puritans don’t think of happiness for everyone. This is because they believe you have to be a chosen one and you are not happy until you go to heaven. The Rationalist try to make their life on earth happy because they try to make if by their selves.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

This looks pretty good. I would do a little more proofreading though.