Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Nature: Ralph Waldo Emerson

I thought about this story being more of an outside story. The story really described different parts of nature that men discovered. Also in this story natures not what we people today think of nature being. Nature In the story seems like a real sweet part of life. It explains the beautiful personality of nature. It also talks about the lover of nature. "Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in harmony of both." This is saying that not all of nature’s plants are delivered by natures own. It is said that some are delivered by man.

Self-Reliance: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thinking of this story to be about men. It’s talking about how men tend to have their own belief that they can do anything. "There is a time in every man’s education when he arrives at the conviction that envy is ignorance: that imitation is suicide." It’s really telling me that all men believe in anything that others can’t do then he most likely can do it. Also men tend to think that there is nothing they can fell in doing. "Self-reliance is its dislike. It loves not realities and creators, but names and customs." This to me is explaining the difference of men to women. Most men think that women can’t do as much as they are able to do.

From Resistance to Civil Government: Henry David Thoreau

This story I didn’t really understand. The part that really caught my attention was how the jail were set up. "walls of solid stones, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron a foot thick." In our jails today I don’t think they have wood and iron doors attached together. This story basically talks about things that happened in the past maybe eighty years ago. Great and interesting story of the late history. The person telling the story was once arrested for not paying any poll tax for six years. This caused him to stay in jail one night.

Chris, a college senior, has just been accepted to the best law school in the county. His parents, Sheila, his wife, and his brothers and sisters are very excited for Chris since he has wanted to become a lawyer for his entire life. Chris isn’t so excited though. He has realized that he would rather be a high school teacher than be a lawyer. Chris would have to go back to school to get his teaching certificate. Chris’ wife is not exactly thrilled with this idea since she has been looking forward to the salary Chris would make as a lawyer. With Chris’ new plan, she would have to pay for Chris’ additional schooling.

My opinion:

I really understand where Chris’ wife is coming from. She has a point. Chris should have thought about what career he really was interested in to the most before he went to college. Chris waited until his senior year in college, and when he got a scholarship to one of the best law school. I understand that it’s his life and he has to live it. But he has to think about it this is her money that he is throwing away. She has to pay for him to go back to college and start over just because he wants to be a teacher. This is not acceptable. The reason I say this is because he already have a career planned ahead of him and he wants to turn it around just to start a new one.

This is an example of transcendentalist, because all men want everything to go their way. This show that the belief of men thinking that they can do anything. When something does not satisfy them, then they want a change.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Writing Three-Finishing High school

Writing Three:
My year of 2007 Classic City High School goals are to graduate. I have been determined to graduate since I have been in school. This is going to be a big thing for me. There are many people in this school looking forward to graduating this year. If I don’t graduate this year I am going to be very mad. I’m not going to give up on school, but I’m going to be highly upset.

Graduating is a big thing for me. I always thought of graduating as being a privilege for all your hard years of school, so when that day comes you won’t think you have been going to school with out any appreciation. After being in school for fourteen years you should get some kind of appreciation. I can already hear my name being called as I graduate. "Terica Kiarra Welbon!" Oh the crowd. I’m going to be the happiest person in the world.

Being at Classic City High is really helping me. Some people like to down this school. In such ways of calling this school a slow school or even criticizing it with there mean thoughts. But I truly think this school is the best choice I have ever made. This school has a good staff that takes time out and helps their students. There are not many students who attend the school, which I think is better. This is because you don’t have to worry about drama much and this is because you choose to go to this school. Before entering this school you have to have an understanding that if you fight at this school you will get kicked out.

This school is keeping me up and many others. Also it doesn’t have a positive effect on my learning. It helps me learn that I am here for learning not for the drama. I try to get my work done before associating with others in the class. My mother also thinks this is my best choice of school. She really likes this program and supports me with it the best that she can. The day that I graduate from this school I’m going to give a long speech.

After graduating I plan on moving to Atlanta, Georgia. The reason I say this is because up there you have better choices of jobs to pick from. I also plan on going to college. I don’t think I want to attend college in Athens. The reason I say this is because I have lived down here all of my life and I would like a change. So when I graduate I will be grown as well and I can make my own decisions.

I made up my goals of what I wanted to do after I graduate a while back. I plan on gong to college for cosmetology and dance. Here in Athens there wouldn’t be many choices of shops and studios, so if I were to move to a bigger city then I would have more choices to pick from. Another reason I want to move to Atlanta is because I like the atmosphere up there. It is very live. I like action and sometimes that keeps me focused.

I really want to be a choreographer when I graduate. This is because I love music so much that when I hear any tune I just automatically start dancing. Most of my family members really think that I am a great dancer. My sister tells me all the time that she dream for me is to be a choreographer. Ever since I was a little toddler I have been known for dancing. My aunts and uncles love to see me dance when we have family events. All of my cousins support me when I dance because they know that’s my hobby and dream.

The reason I want to be a hairdresser is because I love doing hair. When I do hair it takes much of my attention from what’s going on around me. My sister has me styling her hair all the time. She said that when her hair had come out, and I started styling her hair that her hair started growing back. Now that she has other people styling her hair it’s falling back out. Now while I’m in high school I attend the Georgia. Institute. Of Cosmetology. Here I learn more than I already know. I really like it, and this is what really made me want to have a career in Cosmetology.