Monday, February 26, 2007

American Romanticism

1) The story that I read was "The legend of sleepy hollow". Which takes place in Greensburgh. This is better known as Tarry Town. The story tells that the good housewives gave this name to the town. Also there was a smaller valley which was quieter than anything. It was right over the high hills of Tarry Town. The only sound that comes up maybe sometimes would be the sound of a woodpecker on a tree.

The person telling the story told that the only noise they heard was when he first was learning to shoot squirrels. He said that he shot it in a tall walnut tree that shaded one side of the small valley. Some say that a High German doctor during the early day’s settlements hunted the small valley. The place still seems as if it was still under some witching powers that take over the good people’s minds. They have the people thinking that they are seeing strange visions, and hearing music and voices in the air.

Honestly I really think that these people are having these beliefs about this town being hunted is because someone has excited their minds with a bunch of nonsense. Truly enough in some places it seems as if you are seeing and hearing strange sounds and visions. But sometimes when someone tells you a myth you get all cited up and you start believing the myth is true. Therefore people should not believe anything before they see it.

2) One of the things in this story, which I think is romanticism, is when all the people in the town have others believing something that may not be real. Example: "Some say that the place was bewitched by a High German doctor." Another thing that seems to be romanticism in the story is the part where they make up a creature and have people believing in this. Example: "It is said by some to be the ghost of Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a cannon-ball."

3) Things that I noticed in this poem was the imagination of the lady at the beginning. It started explaining how she speaks a various language. And the way her voice is of gladness with a smile that sparkles. This story also tells the wanting of being in love. They describe how the people show love for each others and the setting of where they are is so peaceful. The story also has big imaginations which compares to romanticism. It explains what they would think is a beautiful world to live in. they do this to draw peoples attention.

4) I think that the point of this story was to tell what every one was doing while the person walking on the rope watched. Another thing that I believe to be a point in the story is to show what happiness is like. The images that stand out most to me are the places that the different people are. "Two fair maidens in a swing." The poem also has catchy images like who and what the specific person is that’s playing a role in this poem. The "Rope walk" is a good example of romanticism. This is because romanticism is when people make up stories that they want others to believe they have seen. In the "Rope walk" the story gives places that people have heard of, but the author also added other things to the scene that people don’t know is true. The story also has imaginative things that I know for a fact is not real. The way this story is really an example of romanticism is because the story is made up. The story teller isn’t seeing these things for real. He just wants to tell a story to get your interest and have you believing everything in the story.

5) This picture makes me think of romanticism because, it looks like a fairy tale land. It looks so peaceful and very imaginative. This picture is like picture in your dream that you would love to be in. that’s why I called it a picture in a dream. Another thing that makes me think of romanticism is to think of this being real but it’s not. Maybe the person who painted this picture would have liked to be in a peaceful land with a beautiful waterfall, animals, and fresh trees.

The reason I chose this picture is because they say in stories and movies that Romeo and Juliet were in so much love with each other. We believe that there was really a Romeo and Juliet and that they were really in love with each other. When it could have really been the other way around and there wasn’t any Romeo and Juliet. And if it was a Romeo and Juliet maybe they weren’t in love maybe they really hated each other.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Writing Two (Yesterday)

When I woke yesterday morning my pupils widened to the sunlight. The brightness of the sun made me close and open my eyes up again. After waking myself I started stretching my body. It felt so good. Once my whole body was awake I slowly felt my self get up. When I got up off of the bed I stretched one more time. Then I stated walking towards the room door. The door was closed so I reached to touch the circle knob and then turned it and opened the door.

Once I opened the door a cool breeze hit my face. When the breeze hit my face I had a quick reaction. This meant that my eyes blinked and my face frowned a little. After that I walked in the bathroom and took a look in the mirror to review how my faced looked before I got pretty. Then I took a dry rag and turned the sink water on and the wet the rag. While wetting the rag I felt the warm water run over my hands. This was a wonderful feeling in the morning. The I lifted the rag to my face and started to wash my face.

After washing my face I walked down stairs very quietly. Because everyone else was still asleep in the house. I walked in the kitchen to see what there was to cook. That’s when I opened and touched the refrigerator door. There wasn’t anything in there that I wanted, so that’s when I grab the telephone and dialed my boyfriends number. As I dialed the number I could hear the beeping noise of the buttons as I pressed down on them. When my boyfriend picked up I then told him what I wanted. He then said that he would be at my house shortly. Once I hung up the phone I just sat there waiting for my sausage biscuit. Then I heard a loud pipe noise outside and then a car door close. I jumped up in joy, not for the food but because my man was here. I walked to the front door to greet him with a hug and a kiss. To him this was a thank you appreciation for my biscuit. But to me I was happy to see him even though I do see him most of the time.

After he gave me my biscuit he sat and chilled with me for a while. This was because he knows he missed me. When he gave me my food I could smell the fresh hot biscuit. As I opened it steam rose from the biscuit. My mouth began to get very watery by looking at the food. Then I started eating. The biscuit was so good and soft. It had a warm buttery taste to it. By the time that I got finished with my food my stomach felt very full. To wash it all down my hubby brought me some cranberry juice to go with it. When I opened the bottle I heard as the top snapped away from the sealing. I pulled the top from the bottle and turned the juice up. It was so cold and good to my mouth.

Once I was finished my hubby asked me if I wanted to ride with him. I did not hesitate to say yes. Then I ran up stairs to put on some clothes. First I went in the bathroom to brush my teeth so that my breath can smell good. Once I finished I got in the shower and the warm water felt so good to my skin. The fragrance that I used to bathe with was cucumber melon bath wash. It smelled so good. Once I was finished bathing I touch the tub knobs and turned the water off. I then grab the towel off the hanger and wrapped it around me and entered my room. I dried myself off and looked in my draw to find some underclothes. I put them on once I found me some to wear. After that I went to my closet and got me something to put on.

Then I ran back down the steps. As soon as I got to the bottom of the steps I was out of breath. I then had to take a break and sit down. Then my boyfriend told me to come on. He then touched the doorknob to open the door for me. We then got in the car. I heard the tangling of the keys when he was pulling them out of his pocket. The loud motor sounded off as he cranked the car up. After cranking the car he pulled off and the loud pipes sounded off.