Monday, January 29, 2007


1)Puritans Beliefs
Most people believe today that the only way you get to heaven is if you get baptized. But everyone has they’re own beliefs. Just like the puritans. Puritans had a lot of different beliefs of things going on around the world. The way that people think today about Adam and Eve, the Puritans thought differently about them. They’re belief is that because of Adam and Eve’s wrong doing everyone born is born sinful. Also they had thought about Jesus. The man who people say died to set us free. Well according to the Puritans Jesus died to set the chosen one’s free from all pain.

As of today everyone thinks of God being the father of all his children. They also think that he treats everyone the same. According to the Puritans, God was a man of the chosen one’s. The only way you get to heaven you have to be one of god’s chosen and respected people. Also they thought that people that were chosen by God lived very high class and had it much easier than the unchosen one’s.

2) In the History of Plymoth Plantation which was a presonal journal of William Bradford. He was a leader of the Puritans separatist. He and other Puritans god on a ship called the Mayflower hoping become to a better world. in this he was saying how when they got to their destination they thanked god for everything and how he helped them across the ocean safely. He also talked about how when they got to the new world there was no one there to greet them. Also they were not presentable to the new world because where they came from was very poor.

This is how they sought a place of habitation. from Bradfords journal. When they reached their starting ground they began shaving a large shallop of wood that they brought from england to start fires. Others began settling their material goods in what they call their new home. Some of the others started out in search for land that they could own and sell when someone wants to purchase land. They reached land on November the 11th. This is the day that they started all of the settling. On November 15th some of the men started on a search farther out. But on their way they seen a couple of scavengers who ran from them. But the English men didn't want any trouble they just wanted to find some information about the land. Nothing happened when they followed them except they lost them.
From then on every once in a while the indians would show their face. But they would not get close enough to touch. when some one did get close the indians would run away. But on March 16th one of the indians came up to the english men and spoke. When he spoke it was clear english that the englishmen could understand. He was origannally from where the indians were from, but the reason he spoke their language is because they fish where he is from and he learned there language that way.

Puritans wrote in plain writing because they didn’t care about others. They just wrote so that they can understand. Also I think they did this because they were only thinking about God excepting them than anyone else. In most of the writing they were basically talking about how the way god should except them and no one else. Other than that they were trying to talk down on any one else.

1 comment:

D a n a said...

You need to delete number two since it comes almost entirely from this site. Reread the directions and give a response to both the texts.

In number three, you need to identify where your quotes are coming from as well as which beliefs they illustrate.